Prophylaxis in Turkey

Dentistry in Turkey

Prophylaxis in Turkey

Prevention – Teeth are good, everything is fine

Health begins in the mouth: Wo is taking care of his teeth and takes hold of additional measures 1-2 times a year and follows a balanced diet, will get in return a high health-related quality of life.

For prevention of caries, treatment of dental diseases, and retention of the natural teeth up until old age, prophylaxis is helpful and advisable. We from Expert Beauty can bring you in contact with dentists from Turkey.

A Professional Tooth Cleaning is an essential Thing for the right Teeth Prophylaxis

With the help of professional teeth cleaning persistent deposits, tartar, and stains can be removed. This is maybe interesting for coffee and tea lovers, who want to have their gleaming smiles back to their faces.

The best Tipps for Dental Care in an Overview

Toothbrushing 1-2 times a day and in a hurry is not enough to keep your teeth flora and oral flora save and healthy. Optimal is 2-3 dental applications a day. With this, things like coffee, tea, cigarettes, and red wine have no chance to develop stains. One has remembered, that interdental space makes about 30 per cent of the surface of the teeth.

With professional teeth cleaning in Turkey you will give yourself not only a positive optically appearance but also do something good for your health. Also hard to reach places like caps, bridges, implants, and others can be thoroughly cleaned.

How does Dental Plaque develop?

When the above-mentioned measures are neglected and additionally much sugar consumed, develops a tough and sticky plaque from salivary juice and food residues. This plaque is a breeding ground for bacteria. An acidic environment develops in the mouth and leads to a demineralisation of the tooth substance.

With the use of correct toothbrushes, kinds of toothpaste, dental flosses, mouthwashes, periodically professional teeth cleanings and fluoride treatments we support our dental health and give bad breath, discolourations, and tooth decay no chance! Let the Expert Beauty Team in Istanbul give you detailed consulting. Just contact us!

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